So after drawing inspiration from a couple of people and the fact my daughter is now attending the local Coder Dojo. I thought maybe I should get into a bit of hacking and playing around with coding more so I can help answer some of the inevitable questions.
I now have a Pi Zero (W) sitting on my desk with no easy way of setting it up.
Download the latest Raspbian from here. I’m using 2017-11-29-raspbian-stretch-lite
in this example which was the latest as of writing.
Oh and because I still can’t solder very well I got the hammer header set to make things a bit easier. (and so I can use a hammer as a soldering iron!)
So this was completed using OSX and serves mainly as a reference for me, but might also be useful for anyone else trying to get Wifi working on a headless Raspberry Pi Zero W
To get the image on to the SD card:
$ brew cask install etcher
And use the simple interface to select the previously downloaded image and your SD card, if the SD card isn’t showing, unplug it from the card reader and plug it back in.
Once etcher has finished writing the image to the card you should be able to use terminal to access the boot volume of the card:
$ cd /Volumes/boot
Create the files you need:
$ touch wpa_supplicant.conf ssh
remains empty and is just there so that SSH is enabled on the Pi at boot time.
** Note: ** If you look at the boot
volume of the SD card once it has been used in a Pi you will find that the two files created aren’t present, it’s ok they are moved to the correct location on start up.
You need to configure the wpa_supplicant.conf
with your wireless connection(s):
$ vim wpa_supplicant.conf
Add your wifi configuration(s):
ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev
Or for multiple connection profiles:
ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev
Save the file
For added winning following this gist you can also set up your Pi Zero W so that you can ssh into it using a USB connection (just plug your USB cable into the right connection, not the power one)
All done? (maybe) unmount the SD card plug into your Pi and power on.
Once you the Pi has successfully booted up you should be able to access it using ssh pi@raspberrypi.local
To get around the inconvenience of having to type your password:
$ scp ~/.ssh/ pi@raspberrypi.local:~/.ssh/authorized_keys
Don’t forget to still change the default password on the Pi, every time you log in it will be there just above the prompt until you do anyway.